Qu's Marsh - Mixes: Girls Take Iniative!
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Girls Take Iniative!: The Sounds of Final Fantasy X-2
I'm not that satisfied with this mix; it's not as diverse as I'd hoped and I don't know that how well it really fits the mood / theme of the game. I started out planning to put on a lot more girl groups and goofy, good-natured pop, since you spend most of the game doing goofy, good-natured quests, but it was hard to find good songs that didn't feel like arbitary choices. How many songs are there relating to digging for machina parts, scalping tickets, or matchmaking monkeys? :P (I did consider Radiohead's "The Tourist" for quite a while for that lattermost subplot, but it seemed to mess up the flow of the mix if I positioned where it actually fit into the plot.)
So I guess this ended up being a mix mostly about Yuna and Lenne, which is OK, just not what I'd been planning ;). As the song choices hopefully suggest, I tried to follow the general plot progression of the game, which also made it harder to put in any more of the fun stuff. Maybe I'll try again.
In any case, "Evil Queen" is just begging just to performed by Leblanc :P. (With backup from Ormi and Logos, naturally.)
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