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System War 2001

   With the Sony PlayStation 2 already well-established in many gaming households and the Microsoft Xbox and Nintendo GameCube now on store shelves, this generation of consoles is shaping up to be the most hotly-contested since the previous generation.

   At the request of numerous readers, the GIA has gone under the hood of each of the three major consoles to determine which has the processing muscle to emerge triumphant. How many leaves can the GameCube's "Flipper" graphics chip render simultaneously? Which system has the most advanced bump-mapping capabilities? Will the Xbox's quincunx anti-aliasing method give it the competitive advantage? We've done the extensive research and numerous hands-on comparisons needed to give you the cold, hard facts -- because we know you don't to waste your precious gaming dollars on a console that can't display quality volumetric fog.

   Now, in this exclusive feature, the GIA is proud to present the definitive answer to the question that EB clerks and 12-year-old WebTV users across the globe have been asking:

Which console is the most powerful?