Whew... this has got to be the largest Zoo Logic comic I've ever made. It's kind of silly, but heh, that's par for the course here. More serious gamers will want to check out Phil Estes' latest review. As for THIS gamer, he's just about ready for bed. I'll catch you guys later, sometime after I've caught my forty winks.
I'm on the verge of being overwhelmed by the orders I've received so far, so I'm putting the breaks to the fire sale until I can ship out everyone's purchases. Everyone who's already ordered will be sent their games soon. Everyone who hasn't put in an order yet will need to wait a little longer to do it. I apologize for the inconvenience, but trust me, this is for the best... I'll be better prepared to handle everyone's requests if I'm not weighed down with so many at once.
Hopefully, I'll add new content to the site this weekend. In the meantime, take a look at this... it's my new avatar for the Digital Press message boards.
I think you'll agree that it's a bit more tasteful than my old one.
Wow... the sale's been up for just one day and I've already gotten orders for over a dozen games! Thanks for all the purchases, guys... I really appreciate your support. I'll start mailing out your orders this weekend, once I have your addresses.
I spent most of last night playtesting the games you'd purchased, and I must say (with the risk of stating the obvious) that the Saturn is one mighty fine system. I enjoyed nearly everything I popped into the old girl, even Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3! It makes me think I should do more to support the Saturn on this site. The two dozen reviews of American Saturn games I'd published in one of my old fanzines would work pretty well here, I think. I've spent a lot of time singing the praises of the system's Japanese library in the past, but there were great Saturn games available in the States as well.
I've thought about publishing even more content from my newsletters on The Gameroom Blitz, but that would be a better project for On-File, the fanzine archival site I'd founded back in the late 90's. Unfortunately, that site went down for the count shortly after I moved back to Michigan. I need to bring it back someday, hopefully with even more fanzine articles and a glossier look. I don't know how relevant it would be to gamers who don't remember video game fandom, but I'm sure everyone who's ever published a 'zine would appreciate it.
All right... I'll keep you guys informed about the progress of the sale over the week. The next substancial update will include Phil Estes' Gungrave review and, at long last, a Zoo Logic comic. It took a while to get the wheels turning on the comic but I've finally come up with an idea, not to mention a joke I had that slipped my mind. You'll find out which one gets published this weekend.
Is anyone out there interested in raking in more games for their collections this fall? Well, if you are, and you'd like to give a hand to a web site editor in need, please click on the link below.
All right, all you happy people... if you've been sending me E-mail or plan to start soon, you'd better pay attention. My personal E-mail address has been pulled out from under my feet, and after receiving thousands of spam messages from my Hotmail account, it's obvious that it's not really a valid alternative. So I'm switching to a new E-mail service. From now on, you'll be able to reach me at grb(at)ad-free.info... just remember that the address won't work until you replace the decoy "at" with a real "at" symbol. I'm counting on all of my readers to use this address responsibly, and I'm sure most of you will do just that.
I've got a quick note for all the spammers, though. You have no business sending me your moronic pyramid schemes and empty promises of a larger manhood. I DO NOT WANT YOUR CRAP. I WILL NOT ORDER YOUR CRAP. Don't even waste your time adding me to your bulk mail lists, because your advertisements will be ignored, and if your harassment continues I will abandon my current E-mail address and sign up for another one. Haven't you ever stopped to consider how much you're bothering people? Does it even matter to you? Maybe if the tables were turned and disgruntled Internet users were picketing your businesses and throwing rotten fruit at your houses you'd finally get it through your thick skulls that you're hurting others with your irresponsible, selfish actions.
All right, maybe that note wasn't so short. You can hardly blame me for that outburst, though... I'm sure most of you feel the same way I do.
Anyway, here's what you'll find in this week's update. I've added a few reviews to the Game Boy Advance section, tweaked the links page slightly, and well, that's pretty much it. I haven't drawn a Zoo Logic comic yet, but it's mostly because I don't have any good ideas for one... maybe I'll come up with something over the weekend.
Roll out the red carpet... it's time for the return of Fighter's Misery! It's been a while, but it's back in style, hitting the stage with Simon and Theodore. Uh, wait, I mean it's back with a new review. Forget what I said about the singing rodents.
There's also a new comic, which you'll find as always on the bottom of the page. For the moment, at least, I'm sticking with Zoo Logic rather than alternating between it and a furry comic largely unrelated to gaming. It's going to be tough to keep Nature of the Beast going with one of the main characters on vacation, and furthermore, it just doesn't seem like the comic BELONGS here. I need to start work on Rogue's Gallery again. That way, I'd have the appropriate outlet for my outside interests.
This update's largely cosmetic... I just wanted to update a couple pages, introduce a new banner, and revive the weekly comic.
A few notes about all of the new additions and changes. I know I said Byron was on vacation for the duration of his stay in Chris Farrington's comic 11 Will Die. However, Chris sent me a cool piece of guest artwork that I just had to use... you'll find it in the title banner along with a logo I drew myself. If you want to see Chris' original sketch, larger than life and with a dab of color thrown in by JessCREATIONS*, Co. Studios, you can check it out here.
All right, to the next order of business. Zoo Logic's returned, and with a brand new character... I haven't officially named her yet, but she's based on a good friend of mine who's written for the web site in the past. I wasn't sure if I wanted to bring the comic back at all, but thanks to the encouraging words of another comic strip editor (also burned by the alliance of pretentious furry artists commonly known as Yerf), Zoo Logic is back on its feet. I've spent a lot of time with this new strip, adding everything from shading to thicker outlines. I hope you'll agree that it was worth the extra effort.
Finally, I'm thinking of retiring the site's official Seal of Disapproval, Akane demolishing discs with a hammer, and replacing it with something a little more... uh, personal. I haven't completely removed the Akane graphic, though. You guys might want to take a look at the new animation, scattered throughout the cartoon page, and let me know if I should stick with it.
That's all he wrote for the week. Hopefully I'll have the first part of Phil Estes' new feature published by next week. From what I've read of the GunMetal review alone, I think I'm going to like the Robot Rodeo Roundup a whole lot.