Looks like this will be the grand finale, folks. I had originally scheduled the last update for Monday, but I'll be working that day. That's right, I finally found work. It's not the kind of job I'd hoped for, and it won't help me save my apartment at this late hour, but it will put food on the table and cash in my pocket. Best of all, since it's only part time work, I'll have plenty of time to look for a more permanent career, possibly in the video game industry. I've got the experience, I've got the talent, and I've got the references... all I need is for someone at one of the major gaming publications to notice me. I guess it's time for me to prepare a killer resume and send it to the industry's big players!
Well, before I go, I'd like to thank everyone who's supported the site over the past six years. That includes both my loyal readers and talented contributors. Phil and John in particular deserve a big hand for all their help... they've done so much for the site, and I couldn't possibly thank them enough for being there when I needed them.
Next week, the hiatus begins and the regular updates end. I can't promise you when The Gameroom Blitz will return, because frankly, even I don't know. Your best bet is to check the forum occasionally for news about the site.
I have seen the future of men's television. And frankly, that future isn't very bright.
Last night, TNN debuted three new adult cartoons on a programming block similar to Cartoon Network's Adult Swim line-up. Actually, one of the shows isn't entirely new... Ren and Stimpy have been on television for over a decade now, but you've never seen them like this. Most of the delightful surreal humor from the original series has been replaced with an endless procession of the most tasteless jokes ever aired on television. Any fan of the original series who suspected that Ren and Stimpy were more than friends will have absolutely no doubt after watching the new show.
Maybe it's the homophobia talking, but I don't like Ren and Stimpy as much now that they're out of the closet. In the past, there was a certain warped innocence to their friendship, but in the new show, the producers have added an element of sexual tension that's unnecessary at best and tasteless at worst. In fact, the only thing Ren and Stimpy's more intimate relationship contributes to the show are a lot of unpleasant sight gags and immature gay jokes.
The new Ren and Stimpy was kind of a letdown, but it was still more entertaining than Gary the Rat. This cartoon started its life on the Internet, and its origins are obvious... it looks like it's still being animated with Flash or Shockwave. Even with the mediocre artwork, Gary the Rat could have gotten by on its humor, but that's another problem... it doesn't have much of it to go around. After watching shows like The Critic and Futurama, I expect animated sitcoms to hit me with a rapid fire assault of jokes, and Gary the Rat just doesn't do that. Instead, the writers focus primarily on Gary himself, who simply isn't interesting enough to warrant so much attention. If you want to watch a show about a sleazy manbeast, you'd be better off just catching a rerun of Duckman instead.
Finally, there's Stripperella, the biggest surprise of the bunch. I expected this one to shamelessly pander to TNN's target demographic. It certainly does, but the great thing is that the writers aren't afraid to poke some fun at the ridiculous premise, and even the star of the show. When Stripperella struts her stuff at the local nudie bar under the stage name "Erotica", the men are so impressed with her performance that they drop gold bars at her feet and push away the strippers already giving them a lap dance! The animation is standard stuff... certainly acceptable, but not fantastic. What's more important is that the show is fresh and cleverly written. It's my favorite of TNN's new animated series.
Nevertheless, the TNN cartoon lineup is pretty weak in comparison to Adult Swim, or even Comedy Central's unadvertised block of animated sitcoms. It does have promise, but it'll only improve if TNN is willing to spend the money necessary to add new shows (hopefully better ones than Gary the Rat).
I just added another handful of Russ Beleski's reviews to the Game Boy Advance section. They ought to keep you folks entertained for the rest of the day.
Just a clarification in case one is necessary... when the site goes on hiatus, I won't be shutting it down completely. You just won't see any new updates until I'm ready to begin work on The Gameroom Blitz again. I may post on the forum from time to time, but that's about as active as the site is likely to get until I've found a steady job and another apartment.
I need to get caught up on my E-mail correspondence today, so I'll just give you a sneak peek of the last Zoo Logic comic I'll publish before the site goes on summer vacation. You'll also find a couple of other fun surprises on this page... if, that is, you know where to look.
Oh, yeah! There's just one more thing I probably should mention. Every time my aunt visits the family, she always brings me something nice from my favorite hangout in Arizona, Bookman's. This time, she was kind enough to give me a copy of the Playstation's underground hit RPG Maker. As the name suggests, it allows you to design your own adventure games, and judging from the two very thick instruction manuals included in the package, it's a very flexible utility.
I won't be able to spend enough time with RPG Maker to do anything productive with it, but if you guys know of any sites I could visit to get more information about it, I'd be in your debt.
The site's going on hiatus in less than a week, but I'll do my best to keep you entertained until that happens. I've finished the lists on the Neo-Geo page and I'll be adding the rest of Russ Beleski's Game Boy Advance reviews in a couple of days.
Whoa... this was just a bit late, wasn't it? I wanted to update on Saturday but I was busy moving everything out of my apartment except the absolute necessities. You know, like the television set and computer.
Anyway, I've done a lot of maintenence on the site over the weekend... there's not much in the way of new content but the majority of the review pages have been redesigned. I've also replaced the Akane hammer graphic with something new... from now on, the worst of the games reviewed on this site will be labelled with The Gameroom Blitz Super Suck vortex. Whenever you see this picture next to one of the reviews...
...you can count on that game sucking with all the voracious force of a black hole. I don't have a label for excellent games yet, but since I'll be on hiatus in a week you'll have to wait a while before you'll see one.
There's just one more thing I wanted to mention. A little bit of fandom died a few weeks ago... Eric Longdin, the editor of the personal newsletter Splat!, passed away last month after a lengthy battle with heart disease. Although I didn't know him very well, I do know that he was important to a lot of people, particularly other fanzine editors on the east coast. All I can say is this... thanks, Eric. Thanks for sharing your life with the rest of us while you were still here.
Long time friend and reader Russ Beleski was kind enough to send some Game Boy Advance reviews. You'll find the first handful of them in Advance Theory. I've also finished the best and worst lists in the Nintendo review page.
I've heard that Cave, the creator of the spectacular Dodonpachi series, was actually founded by former employees of Toaplan shortly after that company went bankrupt. That definitely explains the English in some of their games... for an example, just scroll to the bottom of this page.
So far, the Nintendo, Sega, and Other review pages have been redesigned. That leaves the Sony, SNK, and Microsoft pages left for me to do. I also have a lot of best and worst of lists to finish in the Nintendo page, but at least Chris Kohler was nice enough to write a couple of them for me. I'm grateful for his support, because I couldn't make any of my own GameCube recommendations. I've spent a total of two hours playing the system, and most of that experience was from store demo kiosks.
It sucks to be broke, y'know that?
Well, that takes care of another review page. Two down, four to go!
I'm afraid I don't have a Zoo Logic comic ready this week. I'm hoping I'll have something prepared as a send off for when the site goes on hiatus, though.
Man, I've been hot this week! I can't believe I've been able to update so often.
As you know, I won't have the opportunity to update on a regular basis next month. However, I'm gonna keep working on the site as long as I have the time and resources to do it. I'm going to redesign as many of the review pages as I can... with luck and some perserverence, I'll have them all finished by the end of the month.
So far I've started work on two other pages and finished drawings of most of the contributors. You can get a sneak peek of the illustrations here. By the way, if you're included in this graphic and some of the details in your charicature are inaccurate, let me know and I'll fix them right away. I was working from old pictures, including some in black and white, so there's a strong possibility that the eye, hair, and skin colors aren't quite on target.
Aw, crap! There were still some files missing after yesterday's update! Well, this oughta fix the problem. You might want to cross your fingers just in case, though.
I just heard that McDonald's is going to pack a handheld game with each Happy Meal. Each of these games are designed by Sega and will feature characters from both Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Monkey Ball. Between this and products like Vita-Ball and Yummy Bubbles (the bubbles that are as fun to inhale as they are to exhale!), it's a great time to be a kid.
I can't be too bitter, though... they won't get to grow up with game systems like the NES and 2600. Twenty years from now, my nephew's idea of a retro gaming experience will be blasting zombies in House of the Dead II for the Dreamcast.
The site's been acting a little funny lately... hopefully refreshing some of the files will take care of the problem.
So, have you heard about the N-Gage? Yeah, that's the new portable that Penny Arcade called a "shitty cell phone and an even shittier game system" all rolled into one. Well, it seems that the Nokia, the manufacturers of the N-Gage, are already getting a little too confident about the system's success (if any). They've claimed that their product will have an entirely different market than the Game Boy Advance and that (here's the kicker) no self-respecting adult would ever break out a GBA in front of their friends. To this, I have two responses:
1) Screw you.
2) Hope you don't miss
the millions of dollars you've invested in this piece of junk, because it ain't
comin' back.
Seriously, though, what's with everyone suddenly thinking that they can beat Nintendo in the market they've monopolized for over a decade? They've crushed far better competitors than the N-Gage with far inferior products than the Game Boy Advance. Now that Nintendo's got a great piece of hardware on their hands, even Sony will have an extremely difficult time competing on their turf.
Now for some not-so-good news. I'm going to have to put the site on hiatus next month, for an undetermined period of time. Despite my qualifications, I haven't been able to find work anywhere. No, seriously, I mean ANYWHERE... even the local supermarkets aren't hiring. If things don't change by the end of the month, I won't be able to afford my apartment. I have living arrangements elsewhere, but they're not particularly accommodating for either myself or my computer.
If you've got any job leads for an increasingly desperate computer repair technician, I'd sure appreciate the help. I had no idea that the economy was in such miserable shape until I started looking for work...
This is the best news I've heard in a long time. According to a report by Chris Kohler on Insert Credit, Dan Hibiki is not only among the characters included in SNK vs. Capcom, he's the most powerful one of the bunch! Finally, I have a reason to update Saikyo Crusher!
Oh, I should probably mention that I finally have the first of the review pages finished. Check 'er out and see if you agree with my choices for the best and worst games released for Sega's most popular systems. Speaking of reviews, I forgot to mention the brief write-up of Beamrider I'd written a few weeks ago. If you dig the older game systems, you might wanna click here to read it.
I came up with this new banner while experimenting with the staff drawings I made for the new review page. I guess the pinball bug isn't entirely out of my system yet...
Anyway, there's a new review courtesy of John Roche, and a drawing of Clyde on the bottom of the page. It's not really a comic, but it's been so long since Clyde has BEEN in Zoo Logic that I felt it was time to bring him back in some shape or form.
I finally got my hands on a Game Boy Advance SP. Granted, it was only for a half minute, but that brief experience was like holding a portable orgasm. Yes, I need to get a life. Anyway, I can't wait to spend more time with this thing... I had my doubts at first, but it really does seem to be a big improvement over the original Game Boy Advance.
Here's some important news for fans of the strategy guide site GameFAQs... Jeff Veasey just sold it to the web publishing magnate CNET. He claims that he'll still be heavily involved with GameFAQs, but it remains to be seen if he can count on CNET to give him the same kind of creative control he had in the past. Forgive me for being skeptical, but I've seen too many instances where corporations have bought intellectual properties, then sent their creators packing. To give you some idea of what I'm talking about, the inventor of claymation, Wil Vinton, was actually fired FROM Wil Vinton Studios. Luckily, CNET just owns the site, not the FAQs sent in by contributors, so if they do betray Jeff Veasey, his fans can cripple GameFAQs by revoking the rights to their strategy guides.
I'm watching Mega Man: NT Warrior right now. It seems pretty faithful to the Game Boy Advance series despite the new title... the episode I'm watching is straight out of a scenerio from the first Mega Man: Battle Network. The only problem is, it's just not very entertaining. I've seen at least a dozen shows just like this already. I've got higher hopes for Sonic X, but to be honest, all these Japanese imports are starting to wear out their welcome. Thanks to Pokemon and its many, many clones, anime' has lost its novelty value. Years ago, I'd watch every Japanese cartoon I could find, but today, only the best of the best can hold my attention for more than a few minutes.
I spent the last couple of days tweaking one of the review pages. It's still not finished yet, but I'm putting it up anyway so you can have a sneak peek at what all the reviews will look like in the future. It's a much sleeker design than the previous one, and there's more information included about each of the systems covered. When it's finished, there'll even be a list of the best and worst games available for each console. I'm not really happy with the drawings of the staff that accompany each review, but keep in mind that this is a work in progress. Nothing's been finalized... well, nothing except the cool new logo, anyway. I think that'll be sticking around for a while.
This just in... Chris Kohler of Kobun Heat has serious doubts about the reports of Nintendo retiring their current mascot. Although he can't find a specific quote denying the rumors, he questions their accuracy, claiming that Satoru Iwata merely wants to broaden Nintendo's appeal with new characters, rather than using them as a replacement for Mario. Chris also questioned the journalistic integrity of the sites who reported on (and possibly exaggerated) Satoru Iwata's announcement. In my defense, The Magic Box is a pretty reliable news source, and I've never had any reason to doubt them. I guess we'll find out soon enough if there's any truth to the rumors of Mario's departure from Nintendo... I imagine that Satoru himself will deny the reports if they're inaccurate.
What bothers me most about the rumors of Mario's retirement is that many people don't seem all that upset about it. As early as five years ago, people would have unianimously agreed that replacing Mario with a new mascot would be a terrible mistake. Today, some gamers are understandably upset by the rumor, but others just don't care... they're willing to sacrifice Mario, the man responsible for Nintendo's twenty years of success, for a mascot they feel is more relevant. Of course, those same people would probably abandon the character they demanded three years later. That's why I think it will benefit Nintendo in the long run to ignore the cries of a fickle public and remain devoted to the traditions that have served them so well in the past.
There should be a Zoo Logic comic ready by tomorrow... I've finished the artwork but I still need to color it. In the meantime, I'll set up the punchline with a disturbing bit of information I heard recently on a video game forum I frequent. According to The Magic Box, current Nintendo president Satoru Iwata is thinking about retiring Mario and replacing him with a more contemporary mascot, a character that will appeal to today's gamers.
I've got a lot of respect for Mr. Iwata, don't get me wrong. He's done a pretty good job of running Nintendo in the absence of Hiroshi Yamauchi (the C. Montgomery Burns of the video game industry), and the fact that he used to design VIC-20 games makes it awfully hard for me to dislike him. However, swapping Mario for a new, untested mascot is, to put it politely, completely insane. The reason Nintendo's been able to turn a profit year after year, even in the face of fierce competition from Sega and Sony, is because they've always played it safe. They've made sound, rational business decisions while countless other companies have went bankrupt after betting everything on risky ideas.
Dumping Mario for a new, more trendy character would be the ultimate risk- and the ultimate mistake- for Nintendo. He built a strong foundation for this company, a foundation that has remained intact through many years of tough competition and industry trends. Yes, Mario may not be as popular as the sleazy thugs in Grand Theft Auto or extreme sports stars like Tony Hawk, but like the Earthworm Jims and Tomb Raiders of the past, these are just fads. They may burn brightly now, but Mario will endure long after their lights have flickered out.
If Nintendo abadons Mario now, they'll not only dilute their identity but sacrifice the stability he's brought to the corporation for over twenty years. Just as Disney needs its Mickey Mouse, Nintendo needs its chubby little plumber.