This one needs a lot of background, so allow me to explain just what the heck is going on here.  Back in 2000, there was a rather grating professional gaming site called Daily Radar.  It was so deep in Sony's pocket that Penny Arcade frequently portrayed its editors with wind-up keys in their backs... or even more accurately, their heads up their asses.

Despite its obvious bias, Daily Radar was one of the more popular game sites during the Internet's infancy.  Gay jokes aside, this satirical article wasn't written to lampoon them so much as to put Nintendo's feet to the fire for their idiotic attitude toward both classic gaming and emulation.

Back in the dark ages of the Nintendo 64, Nintendo not only showed no interest in reviving the games they released in the 1980's, but made damn good and sure that nobody ELSE would play them either.  They never took that selfish zeal to the extremes described in this article, but I think the hyperbole makes its point.

Ironically, Nintendo actually HAS worked with the Department of Homeland Security to shut down mod chip sellers in August 2007, making the claims of congressional bribery at the end of the article seem less like satire than an eerily accurate prophesy. 

In a recent edition of the Detroit Free Press, electronic entertainment company and corporate tyrant Nintendo revealed its reason for endlessly persecuting web sites which offer their readers NES and Super NES ROMs. According to the Press, Nintendo feels that their old games are "competing head-on with our current systems and software".  We couldn't believe it ourselves, so we asked Nintendo spokesperson Ayama Motherfucker to clarify the company's position and somehow try to explain how older titles like Metroid, Super Mario Bros., and Pilotwings, which made Nintendo billions of dollars, could possibly be making them lose money now.  This is what he told us:

"It's simple.  The Nintendo 64 is a joke.  You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.  Its controllers are pathetic, all that blurry anti-aliasing is enough to give Helen Keller a headache, and the games themselves... whew!  You could chop off half your fingers and still count the number of N64 games worth purchasing on one hand.  We simply can't afford to have gamers play quality titles from Nintendo's glory days when there's already so little incentive to own a Nintendo 64.  That's why we've done everything possible to shut down web sites which offer their visitors free games for our older systems.  We're also considering a forced recall of all available Super NES and NES cartridges as well.  Many of these games are being sold at pawn shops for $10 or less, and we don't see a cent of that money.  Once we've destroyed all of these cartridges, anyone who wants to play Nintendo games will have no other choice but to buy them for the N64.  And oh yeah, they'll need an Expansion Pack, too, since all the new N64 titles won't work without one."

Motherfucker continued, despite our best efforts to shut him up.  "Some misinformed people have called Nintendo greedy. They obviously have no idea how expensive it is to run a company.  It takes billions of dollars to crush our competitors, brainwash children with thirty minute advertisements thinly disguised as cartoons, and eliminate anyone within the company who fails us. Arranging Gumpei Yokoi's 'automobile accident' didn't come cheap, you know... hitmen always want their money up front, and poison that's undetectable with a standard autopsy is incredibly expensive."

Motherfucker then revealed Nintendo's plans for the future.  "Soon, we'll be going after web sites who make our competitors' games freely available to the public.  Those are cutting into our profits as well, you know.  We'd prefer to get rid of Sega and Sony entirely- we bought nuclear weapons from the former Soviet Union with the revenues from the last Pokemon movie, and we're dying to test them out- but that's not an option right now.  America has this foolish notion about cutthroat monopolies interfering with peoples' rights, so we have to abide by its blasted anti-trust laws until we can pay enough congressmen to overturn them.  We're confident that the profits from the GameBoy Advance will give us more than enough bribe money for all one hundred senators, 435 house representatives, and the president of the United States... once that happens, the world will be ours!"

The interview ended with Motherfucker cackling madly as two impossibly large, perhaps genetically altered, men escorted us out of Nintendo of America's home offices.  We hope to be invited back to ask Nintendo about its plans to force America On-Line, now owned by Pokemon co-producers Time-Warner, to upload crippling viruses to the computers of anyone who acknowledges the existence of the Super NES.

IMPORTANT!  This is a work of parody.  None of the conspiracies presented on this page are true... or can be proven, at least.  Please don't tell your friends that buying a Dreamcast will earn them a bullet from an assassin disguised in a bushy moustache and blue overalls.