Z 01



October 1987


1 Player

This was the first game to use artificial intelligence to tweak the game's difficulty to your liking, while you're playing it!  While you won't notice its effects on the gameplay, Zanac's quality will become obvious the minute you pick up the controller.  One of the first shooters on the NES, Zanac is also one of the best thanks to its addictive gameplay and great power-ups.

FAST FACT:  Zanac was only the beginning of a long series of vertically scrolling shooters by developers Compile.  These games include Gun*Nac on the NES, M.U.S.H.A. on the Sega Genesis, Space MegaForce on the Super NES, and most recently, Zanac X Zanac on the Japanese Playstation.


Zelda II: The Adventure of Link


December 1988


1 Player

Nintendo took the Zelda series in an entirely new direction with The Adventure of Link... a direction which compromised many of the game's best qualities.  The side view perspective took the emphasis off puzzle solving (Zelda's strong point) and put it squarely on combat (er... not Zelda's strong point).  It's still a good game... just not a good Legend of Zelda game.

FAST FACT:  Like its predecessor The Legend of Zelda, The Adventures of Link was manufactured with both a gold and grey cartridge.  The gold cart came first, and the grey one was offered when the game was re-released in the 1990's.  Ironically, this late release makes the grey cartridge more valuable than the gold one!

Zen: Intergalactic Ninja


March 1993


1 Player

Space ninjas are cool... but sappy environmental themes from the 90's aren't.  As far as this writer is concerned, fighting litterbugs is a waste of a perfectly good ninja, and Konami wasted the talent of their designers by making them create this game.  Sure, Zen has detailed graphics and a thumping soundtrack, but the underlying game is frustrating and not even remotely fun.

Zombie Nation

Meldac/Live Planning

September 1991


1 Player

Here's a game that'll leave you scratching your head... your disembodied samurai head, to be specific.  Zombie Nation is a horizontally scrolling shooter with a few unique ideas, along with a whole lot of lousy ones.  Your enormous head soaks up damage like a sponge, and lethal attacks seem to come out of nowhere.  This makes the game aggravating, and oh yeah, pretty awful.